Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Ubergluck- Overjoyed

This is a j.o.u.r.n.e.y. t.o.w.a.r.d.s. j.o.y. You are invited to join.

Begun in a period of considerable emotional turbulence, this is an offer of an antidote.

What you focus on, g.r.o.w.s., I hear. So this is a place to focus on j.o.y. May this create much, much more.

Here, you are lovingly invited to be o.v.e.r.j.o.y.e.d.

Think of 5 things that you can be happy about today, right now. Go to "happiness potions" and list them. If you have more than 5 things today, I'm overjoyed for you. List them all. Y.o.u. a.r.e. a.l.l.o.w.e.d. t.o. b.e. a.s. h.a.p.p.y. a.s. y.o.u. l.i.k.e.

If a joke made you laugh, share it. If you have a story, tell. If a book, website or poem made you happy share that too. Long comments are ok: you're welcome to talk.

Acknowledge your joys. Begin today, right now.

Let's strive to be happy everyday.


MAHIMA said...

1. abhishek didn't have work last night.
2. its been peaceful and undisturbed for the last few days.
3. I drank good, good coffee.
4. I ate the yummiest toast sandwich from this stall by the street.
5. I started uberglucklich today.

MAHIMA said...

1. tanaya's blog always has beautiful poetry.
2. 37 days always gives me ideas.

Anonymous said...

1. I found a comment from you this morning and from that, this blog! That makes me happy :) Thank you!

2. The song 'Shake your Booty' by KC & The Sunshine Band - can't fail to smile when I'm dancing to that! ;)

3. Outside, the sun is shining and the sky is blue. Bliss..

4. I found a wonderful new toy - Crayola Magic Rainbow paper. Great fun!

5. I have all the things I need to be able to communicate with people I've never met - miraculous! :)

Have a very Happy day, Mahima, and thank you for setting up this blog :)

Berlinbound said...

I walked to the market ...

Spoke with farmers and vendors ...

Heard children playing loudly ...

Felt the Spring air on my skin.

Anonymous said...

I this this blog Mahima!

Today I got to stay home from work due to a power outage.

I stayed on the couch with a book and hot cocoa-pure joy!

Anonymous said...

1. your most generous & kind comments on my blog (thank you!)...

2. my dh always makes me ubergluck...i love him so!

3. today is the end of my work week & my weekend begins now *smile*...

4. seeing 2 people i "know" (suzie q & tanaya comment here)...

5. i get to putter around my garden, which gives me tremendous JOY... sister & her 2 kids will be spending the weekend/easter with us...

7. i appreciate unsolicited hugs & kind words from my autistic students, especially when they say my name as in "i'm so happy that you are here, mrs. m"...truly makes my day!

8. finally cleared off all this junk that's been cluttering my art table in my studio...i can SEE & FIND things now, lol!

9. when i get unsolicited loving comments from my nieces & nephews when they tell me that i am their "favorite auntie"...

10. when i hear from my lovely blog sistas & pals...

thank you mahima for starting this blog! have a fabulous weekend, whatever you end up doing *smile*!

mary ann :)

MAHIMA said...

my potion for today:

1. hearing all your lists. thank you for visiting, responding. :)

2. DevilMood left me a comment on my mailart blog! :)lol.

3. 'A' woke me up this morning. :)

4. I got magazines free from the book sale guy. YAY. more material for collages!!! :)

5. slept 10 hours today. :)

MAHIMA said...

i found a german speaking blogger!! :) (berlinbound, i'm happy to have discovered you!)

today's a holiday. ahhh peace and quiet.

Surabhi Pratap said...

1.cudnt wake u up when i got up..! love to see u sleeping so peacefully...FYO ! that makes me very happy! niece is beautiful! although she's just 3 months old, we were gossiping today!
3.the weather right now, 6pm.. is amazing after the day's heat! seems like its gonna rain today!i love rain !:-) arguments with anyone in my family as yet! hahaha!
5.choc cake n lemon role n strawberry moose......had all of them...u know my capacity...dont you ?
6.m blogging after ages!m glad n thrilled.
7.visiting ur blog is always inspiring! n something or the other always makes me smile to myself !

Surabhi Pratap said...

Shit man !
its a very bad idea to stay at home for a day!ph no ! for a night! that no.4 needs to be cut out from that list! will talk later! n my blog's updated!need to get out of here asap!

Jen said...

happiness potion

1. the sun is shining and there is a light warm breeze

2. I had enough sleep last night

3. It is the weekend and my family is home with no appointments to get to

4. We can go anywhere, do anything, or nothing at all

5. I know where to go to make up a "happiness potion"---thanks!

Devil Mood said...

This is such a great idea! :)

Let me think:
1. "Sweet the sting" song by Tori Amos, I'm addicted to it.
2. A book I'm reading by a spanish author LucĂ­a Etxebarria
3. A warm sunny day outside and I'm still inside.
4. A cup of coffee I've just had :)
5. People that comment on my blog and always make me feel better about the world and myself :)

Chamki said...

1. 'You belong to me'Tori Amos, Jason Wade and Michael Buble and 'You are my sunshine' by all the million guys who sang it make me happy.
2. Dreaming I'm happy makes me happy.
3. thinking of my house future house I mean, guy and big noisy family makes me happy.
4. I had a crush on this guy (I still do. Its the kind of crush you have and do nothing about) and when he left a comment on my blog I was reallly happy

Chamki said...

Norah Jones is singing in the soft light of the afternoon.

All the pin wheels are slowly and constantly spinning.

All I miss is filled in by Norah singing the Nearness Of You.

I love the summer. its hot but you bathe and listen to music thats slow, soft and rolls like chocolate on your tongue.

Yoga makes me very happy. After Shava asana i'm calm and peaceful. The dusty room becomes comfortable. Life seems beautiful in every detail.

I don't miss a person who could Live this moment with me, because I know people will read it and feel it too.

MAHIMA said...

my happiness potion for today (long list:))

* talked to chamki this morning on gmail.

* Prayed for 'A' this morning.

* Made the perfect pocket and display sleeve in my journal

* going out for coffee and breakfast at 2pm :)

* woke up to yoga and cardio

* i've got mor emoney in my bank account today. YAY!! :)

* i get to dream about travel and travel plans today.

* comp lab is open and empty this morning

* WATERMARK has a new sidebar section called Task-A-Day, a derivative from my dream. :)

Prachi said...

This is a very nice idea:)

My list:

1) Had a very nice birthday (3 days ago). Got my first surprise birthday drop in ever by college AND school friends.

2) Got as gifts this really nice necklace which i'd wanted but couldn't afford when i saw it, plus a really really cool flautist figure(ine). I lurve flutes.

3) Attended a concert where the hottest n extremely talented professor from my college made a musical comeback after 27 years! Also heard him play the harmonica which also i happen to love. Loved it.

4) Walked back halfway home from the concert in brilliant brilliant weather. The kind that whips ur hair around n feels lovely against ur face and makes u want to stay outdoors all night.

5) Got hugs and kisses. Special ones:)

Jen said...

1. I am healthy. My children are healthy and my husband is healthy.

2 I am learning things that I am interested in and that I think and feel are important.

3 There is hope for positive change in the world. Ideas are taking flight and seeds are being planted.

4 I am becoming more of my potential. I am freeing myself from unhealthy beliefs.

5 I am slowly feeling more connected

6 The nature around me is beautiful. I am not in a windowless office checking the time again and again, until I can go home and feel mostly "spent"

7 Mahima's blog..her openness...her invitations to the world...her positive vibe.

8 Writing this list really gives me energy to go now and do some necessary but not very fun things(at least, not for me) clean up. And for this, I am happy!

MAHIMA said...

my hapiness potion for today:

2. I'm spending the night with naina after 2 years
3. got a mail from karen
4. got an invite to journal junk :):)
5. I took some good potographs.
6. I wrote letters.
7. I shared my life with someone I love
8. Naina and i have so many opinions that are alike. its so good to find someone else who knows exactly what you mean!!!

MAHIMA said...

long list again today:

1. had a haircut.
2. spoke to surabhi, pallave, abhishek, chamki.
3. surabhi pallavi have posted my something.
4. loved jen's comment on my post on communication.
5. met shreya for lunch.
6. finally bought kajal!
7. also found lavender essential oil here.
8. going home tomorrow. :)
9. daddy maddy is so funny. :D
10. today.
11. i have more people like me, striving for open communication.

MAHIMA said...

1. the wedding celebrations are going on great. stressfree so far.
2. asmi is so funny she's driving me nuts.
3. i went shopping to bluebird today. :D
4. also visited pilgrims. :)

Amandeep Singh said...

1. I hve nothing to do these days.
2. I had a yummy coffee tday..
3. Rode Bike at 120...
4. Laughed on finding out a frnds secrets...Lol man...
5. Met a bunch of guys who are more Freee than me..
LOL man....

cherry girl said...

My joys for today - my children went to school without any hitches,
I ate healthily and I'm full up too :) I'm on top of my housework, I've resolved to have a big summer clear out and today I spent some time with my aunt, uncle a big sis!

And, it didn't rain!!

Thanks for dropping by my blog, glad you liked my illustration friday post :)

molly jean said...

Accomplished a task at work
I painted a doll's face
I enjoyed purple zinnias in my yard
saw a ring of mushrooms
ate some tacos(junk but very yummy!)

noticed small yellow wildflowers beside the road

small pleasures!

molly jean said...

One more thing: enjoyed reading your blogs!

Dieverdog said...

What a nice blog...
1. I found this blog..
2. I have been viewing incredible art
3. people have been viewing my art!
4. we are having a free lunch today for staff appreciation... yum!
5. I have two great jobs that I love
how's that for a start?